ABout Us

Our founder took early retirement in 2012 and began looking for where the next chapter in her life would take her. After a couple of dead ends, she decided to reinvent herself.  It may sound cliché, but sometimes that is what you have to do. So with Country Lane Store and our premier brand - Sisters-in-Spa, she hopes to create a new self and a new SiSterhood of women to love to pamper themselves and will enjoy these products as much as she does.

The Country Lane Store is the exclusive distributor for our own brand of personal bath and body products - Sister-in-Spa. We look for products that are safe for the individual and the environment.

We plan to expand our line of bath and body products to include natural and organic castile bar soap and liquid/foaming soap, shampoo and conditioner bars, lip balm to name a few. We also are planning a men's line of grooming products.

Country Lane Store has big plans, we are also looking at starting a line of pet products - pet bath bars, leashes, collars, toys, beds etc.

Have you been searching for a natural and/or organic product made in the USA in these categories but you just can't find it? Drop us an email and we will see if we can add it to our line of products.